At peace, at home
After fleeing to the United States for safety, an HRB resident and former hotel manager discovers the satisfaction of caregiving.
2024 voter guide – general election
The general election is November 5. Do you know where the candidates stand on the issue of affordable housing?
Coming home to stay
A child of Bainbridge and former Grunge musician finds comfort, quiet, and rootedness at Wintergreen Townhomes, where a neighborhood has begun to bloom.
The Front Porch, Vol 51, Fall 2024
In this issue: Affordable housing is expensive; Housing Action Plan; HRB and Land Trust partnership; Revealing who owns America
2024 voter guide – primary election
HRB asked the candidates to share their take on the affordable housing crisis. Read what they have to say and cast an informed vote this election season.
HRB and the Land Trust find common ground
In this op-ed published by The Kitsap Sun the Bainbridge Island Review, Phedra Elliott, executive director of HRB, and Cullen Brady, executive director of the Bainbridge Island Land Trust, explain how a partnership combining conservation with affordable housing development is in the best interest of the community as it contends with the pressures of growth.
The waiting game
Cuts to a USDA loan program put home purchases on hold for low-income buyers nationwide.
The Front Porch, Vol 50, Spring 2024
In this issue: HRB to partner on housing south of Bethany Lutheran Church; $80,000 price drop at Wintergreen Townhomes; An eldercare provider struggles to stay on Bainbridge; Learn about an essential tool for growth management
Seeking a values match, Jake and Ed Clemens found one another, Bainbridge Island, and HRB
From strangers on a train to husband and wife, fellow activists, and ultimately Bainbridge Island philanthropists, Jake and Ed support the work of organizations, like HRB, which are building a more equitable and inclusive community.
Housing Resources Bainbridge and Finch Green LLC to create affordable housing on land donated by Bethany Lutheran Church
Finch Green will be a neighborhood of single-family homes thanks to community vision and local expertise.
The Foxes dream at home
When all is going well, stairs are no problem for Madelyn and Don Fox. But now in their 80s, this active couple envisions a time when that may no longer be the case. Working with HRB’s Independent Living Program Manager Misty Eberspecher, the Foxes installed a shower downstairs, so that they can transition to one-story living when and if that time comes.
Housing Resources Bainbridge to dramatically lower prices at Wintergreen Townhomes
Generations of low-income homebuyers will benefit from $2.5 million grant from state
The struggle to stay
As eldercare provider Sam Christy helps her clients age in place, she faces her own struggle to remain on Bainbridge Island, where the cost of housing is prohibitive to those in her profession. Buying an affordable HRB home at Wintergreen would keep her where she belongs.
Home at last
After decades of homelessness and fearing the same for her daughter, Alyssa is making her home and her daughter’s future on Bainbridge Island.
A little history and a look to the future at Wyatt & Madison
Work has begun on a rental development at Wyatt & Madison. With the ground cleared and graded, it’s hard to remember what was once there—an unassuming yellow building with 13 affordable homes that Housing Kitsap was looking to sell, HRB was hoping to buy, and the community was trying to protect.
Washington State directs Bainbridge Island to plan for growth
House Bill 1220 dictates that cities plan for their share of the region's growth. HRB Public Policy Specialist Maggie Rich explains what this means for Bainbridge Island.
The Front Porch, Vol 49, Fall 2023
In this issue: Independent Living client and photographer Joel Sacket shares his experience; The lives and livelihoods of HRB home seekers
Independent Living client and Bainbridge photographer, Joel Sackett, has no plans to leave
Joel Sackett, a longtime island resident and beloved chronicler of its history and people, recounts his experience with Independent Living. (Pictured: Michiko Sackett and her mother, Hamako Okazaki. Photograph by Joel Sackett)
The many homes of Mary Anne DeLapp
HRB’s Janet West was a refuge for Mary Anne DeLapp after a fire destroyed her home. She loved it and yet she left. After eight months and with newfound stability, she chose to free it up for someone who needed it more—perhaps a woman living on her own just like her.
Living her mother’s dream
Laura Marshall lives with her husband and three children in a home of their own on Bainbridge Island, something her mother, a lifelong renter, always dreamed of. This spring, she hosted a fundraiser for HRB to help make homeownership more accessible to people like her.
One family moves on, and another moves in
An HRB home passes from one mother to another. Thanks to a thorough and thoughtful remodel, the newest resident will enjoy a fresh start on the island where she grew up.
The Front Porch, Vol 48, Spring 2023
In this issue: Rising housing costs, declining school enrollment; Trends from the Housing Needs Assessment; A first look at HRB’s newest project; 2022 advocacy wins for affordable housing
A truly Bainbridge family
Five members of the Tran family emigrated to the United States in 2003, living in a series of HRB homes as they built their businesses, careers, and families. Today, there are three generations, 21 family members, and three restaurants—all on Bainbridge Island.
Sparrows Condominiums take flight
In 2010, HRB turned a cutting-edge affordable housing prototype into a home on Knechtel Avenue. Thanks to a recent rehab, the top-floor unit maintains its original beauty and glorious views.
Steve Johnson builds community one job at a time
For a man who likes working with his hands and who appreciates the meaning of home, a second act as a handyman for HRB’s Independent Living keeps him busy—and fulfilled.
When a waitlist is so much more than first come first served
HRB’s Property and Office Manager Jessica Campbell talks about empathy and how good it feels to say, “Welcome home,” when just about no one else could.
The Front Porch Vol 47, Fall 2022
An HRB primer with just the basics on what we do, how we do it, and why. Short and simply stated.
The beauty and ingenuity of Washington community land trusts
Permanent affordability. That’s their beauty. Resale restrictions that limit home prices while allowing the seller to reap the benefits of homeownership. That’s their ingenuity. Hear how four Washington community land trusts are garnering community and government support to grow their land trusts and meet the housing needs of their communities.
Marlys Burnett is a Janet West original
Marlys Burnett was the first to move into HRB’s Janet West Homes in 2004, the year it was built. She lives there today, at the age of 94, to the relief and delight of her daughter and many friends who want her safe, happy, and close-by.
The Front Porch Vol 46, Spring 2022
In this issue: HRB and the Land Trust find common ground; Friends and neighbors, HRB and Helpline House; Middle housing; CHI and HRB partner for affordability
Does community land trust homeownership keep people poor?
Just the facts—and the FAQs.
Seeking a safe harbor
An affordable home gave Marsha Cutting peace of mind because even tireless community activists need a place to rest, especially later in life.
When being independent means asking for help
Thanks to HRB’s Independent Living program, a walk-in tub and grab bars allow one man to retain his independence in a cherished home.
Friends and neighbors, HRB and Helpline House help residents pursue financial independence
The two nonprofits partner to deliver HRB’s Housing Stabilization Program. HRB provides housing. Helpline House brings social services. Together, they lay a path toward greater earning power.
A man with an (action) plan
Guided by the mind of an engineer and love for his community, Mike Smit has made a commitment to affordable housing and HRB. He’s now a major donor—at the age of 39.
The Teacher Cottage Movement
Building affordable homes for teachers and staff—a good idea whose time has come, gone, and come again.
From refuse to refuge
reHOME is building tiny homes from recycled and repurposed materials on the city-owned Morales Farm.
Speak out for affordable housing
The City of Bainbridge Island will receive $7 million from the American Rescue Plan. Let City Council know that you want them to direct a portion of these funds to affordable housing. Read on for more information on how HRB would like to see the money spent and for a sample letter you can send to City Council.
The Front Porch Vol 45, Fall 2021
In this issue: Businesses call for affordable housing; A mental health advocate comes home; Stewarding the HRB community; City Council candidate on housing
Welcome to Eden
Pino and Lani Sordello, owners of mom-and-pop business Via Rosa 11, treat their workers like family. How else to keep these valued employees, who cannot afford the island’s high-priced housing, driving in from distant towns?
A gathering place
Father of two teenage sons, 20-year Bainbridge resident, and founder of Eleven Winery, Matt Albee shares his insight into the community he loves and his concern over the lack of affordable housing—as both business owner and engaged citizen.
Handcrafted on Bainbridge Island
A point of pride for a local business is in jeopardy. Scott Tuchel, director of operations at Far Bank Enterprises, shares how a lack of affordable housing on the island makes staying local a challenge.
A health clinic with deep island history advocates for affordable housing
Every year, 10,000 Bainbridge Islanders visit Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. To keep these patients well cared for and happy requires a workforce that is also well cared for and happy. But without much affordable housing on the island, it can be difficult to retain the workforce essential to maintaining the health of the community.
First Fed feels housing crisis firsthand
Kimbril Moore is the Bainbridge branch manager at First Fed. He is deeply invested in the community, but like many of his colleagues at the local office of this community bank, Kimbril does not live on Bainbridge.
City council candidates share their ideas for housing
This election season is crowded with issues, but for HRB, one rises to the top: the lack of affordable housing. Before you vote on November 2, read the candidates' views here.
“It’s a heart thing”: Marta Holt’s work at HRB is highly technical and deeply personal
Want to know all that HRB does? Meet Marta. There isn’t a homeowner or renter in the HRB community who hasn’t gotten to know this committed and caring staff member.
Call it what it is
In April, Brittany Wisner moved into a new apartment at HRB’s Janet West. It was a long-awaited homecoming for a woman who found her safe space on Bainbridge Island as a child and now provides one to high school students in her role at Bainbridge Youth Services.
The making of a 10-year-old philanthropist
How three girls put their creativity to work and raised funds for causes that they cared about. For one girl, Ruby Sowder, it was a matter of honoring a family commitment to affordable housing.
HRB, a different sort of land trust
We conserve, as well as develop. We are stewards, as well as realtors. We are a community land trust, and our affordable homes are here forever.
I don’t want to be anywhere but home
At a difficult time, Emma Aubrey found HRB. And from the safety and stability of HRB housing, she built a successful law career, raised her family, and qualified to buy a home of her own.
Get ready to age in place
In this podcast HRB's Emily Klein discusses how our Independent Living Program makes it possible for older adults to stay in the homes and communities they know and love, creating "a rich web of intergenerational connections" that benefits everyone.
The Front Porch Vol 44, Spring 2021
In this issue: Scattered-site development at Wallace Cottages; Independent Living Program; From the Director; From Ivory Coast to Bainbridge Island; Board on why HRB matters
Another remarkable fundraiser is in the books!
Thanks to all of you and our wonderful sponsors we set another record. We are so proud of this community and how they stand up for their neighbors and [...]
The Front Porch, Vol 43, September 2020
In this issue: Lamping retires; HRB update; From the director; From the chair; Register to vote; ZOOM into HRB
The Front Porch Vol 42, March 2020
In this issue: From the director; Island change; From the chair; Independent Living; Powerful Partnership; Local artist - Amy D'apice
Council member Sarah Blossom exits speaking on housing affordability
At council last week, outgoing Council member Sarah Blossom spoke from the heart about the housing affordability crisis facing Bainbridge Island. Click here for the text of her presentation [...]
Steven Falk talks about why housing policy is climate policy and how the two are linked.
Last year Steven Falk took a courageous stand for climate change and housing, and became the subject of a National Public Radio news story. His remarks at our fundraising [...]
The Front Porch Vol 40, September 2019
In This Issue: 550 Madison Director's Letter Scattered Site Homeownership Houseparties Testimonials Download PDF Newsletter
Listen to the Podcast: 550 Madison & Suzuki
HRB Executive Director Phedra Elliott and Fundraising & Communications Manager Penny Lamping were recently featured on a BCB podcast: What's happening with 550 Madison and the Suzuki property. Listen [...]
Suzuki Property – Advocacy Needed!
Download the PDF
Help us purchase 550 Madison Avenue
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550 Update – HRB Collaboration
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March Advocacy Email
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The Front Porch Vol 39, March 2019
In This Issue: Director’s Letter Chairman’s Letter Rental Stock HRB Timeline Strategic Plan Social Media Download PDF Newsletter
Listen to the Podcast: What is HRB?
Recently we were featured on BCB: The Voices of Bainbridge Island podcast. Listen to the Podcast