2024 voter guide – general election
The general election is November 5. Do you know where the candidates stand on the issue of affordable housing?
The general election is November 5. Do you know where the candidates stand on the issue of affordable housing?
HRB asked the candidates to share their take on the affordable housing crisis. Read what they have to say and cast an informed vote this election season.
House Bill 1220 dictates that cities plan for their share of the region's growth. HRB Public Policy Specialist Maggie Rich explains what this means for Bainbridge Island.
Permanent affordability. That’s their beauty. Resale restrictions that limit home prices while allowing the seller to reap the benefits of homeownership. That’s their ingenuity. Hear how four Washington community land trusts are garnering community and government support to grow their land trusts and meet the housing needs of their communities.
The City of Bainbridge Island will receive $7 million from the American Rescue Plan. Let City Council know that you want them to direct a portion of these funds to affordable housing. Read on for more information on how HRB would like to see the money spent and for a sample letter you can send to City Council.
Pino and Lani Sordello, owners of mom-and-pop business Via Rosa 11, treat their workers like family. How else to keep these valued employees, who cannot afford the island’s high-priced housing, driving in from distant towns?
Father of two teenage sons, 20-year Bainbridge resident, and founder of Eleven Winery, Matt Albee shares his insight into the community he loves and his concern over the lack of affordable housing—as both business owner and engaged citizen.
A point of pride for a local business is in jeopardy. Scott Tuchel, director of operations at Far Bank Enterprises, shares how a lack of affordable housing on the island makes staying local a challenge.
Every year, 10,000 Bainbridge Islanders visit Virginia Mason Franciscan Health. To keep these patients well cared for and happy requires a workforce that is also well cared for and happy. But without much affordable housing on the island, it can be difficult to retain the workforce essential to maintaining the health of the community.
Kimbril Moore is the Bainbridge branch manager at First Fed. He is deeply invested in the community, but like many of his colleagues at the local office of this community bank, Kimbril does not live on Bainbridge.